Angular - Example 1
1. Create a Folder in Any Location (ex : E:\Angular_Examples\Example1)
2. Open Cmd - E:\Angular_Examples\Example1> to select specific location
3. Create New Project Using Following Cmd - ng new Welcome1 - Welcome1 as Project Name
4. Open Visual Studio Code Application and open project using below screen shot.
1. Create a Folder in Any Location (ex : E:\Angular_Examples\Example1)
2. Open Cmd - E:\Angular_Examples\Example1> to select specific location
3. Create New Project Using Following Cmd - ng new Welcome1 - Welcome1 as Project Name
4. Open Visual Studio Code Application and open project using below screen shot.
5. Complie program Command - ng serve
6. After complie project in cmd showing localhost url to copy and paste to browser and access the web application.
7. Terminate running project using cmd - ctrl + c
8. Complie and Run Command - ng serve --o
9. Automatically complied and application opened in the browser
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